Monday, September 21, 2015

"My stomach had the rumblies... that only hands could satisfy" - Carl

Throughout the Falcon Market lab, we looked at the different amounts of trans fat and saturated fat in common foods and drinks that average people eat every day. After going over the portions of what we should eat and how much of specific minerals like sodium to intake, we were given the assignment to record what we eat for 3 days. The results are shown below.

 Out of the 3 days, I had eaten barely any fruits and only about 50% of the daily recommended amounts of vegetables. I also had consumed almost twice the amount of sodium I should have all 3 days. To balance out my diet, I should eat a banana or apple for breakfast in the morning because I almost never eat breakfast and this would help reach my daily fruit need. I should also cut down on the number of times I eat out a week too or at least replace my normal food choices with more healthy alternatives like sushi or salads.

If I were to coach someone on health and nutrition, I would definitely tell them to do a lot of grilling, and BBQing. I find that BBQs are one of the best times to get all of the basic food groups taken care of while also enjoying a meal with friends and family. Most BBQs include a salad, hamburgers, hot dogs or even fish, beans, and fruits to tie you over till the meal is ready.

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