Thursday, May 5, 2016

Brain Map

  1. The frontal lobes control personality, problem-solving, memory, language, judgment, and impulse control.
  2. Selective attention allows you to prioritize important info over unimportant info in memory.
  3. The frontal lobe and do exercises to slow deterioration.
  4. It governs senses, spatial awareness, and motor skills.
  5. It organizes thoughts and actions to match with internal goals.
  6. There is no such thing as multitasking, the brain is just switching between tasks really fast.
  7. The Broca's Area is responsible for language comprehension, speech creation, and interpreting the actions of others.
  8. The Somatosensory cortex is responsible for interpreting temperature,
  9. The Visual Cortex differentiates colors and distinguishes complex things such as faces.
  10. If the Occipital Lobe is damaged it can completely change the way a person sees the world. There are studies that show that the difference between real and imaginary is less in children so they believe in imaginary things easier. Imagining yourself doing an action in a very detailed way makes you better at that action.
  11. If the temporal lobes were damaged there would be no long-term memory.
  12. The "fast brain" is the Eye Feilds.
  13. 3 ways to help the neuron is exercise, eating healthy, and omega fatty acids.
  14. The more dendrites that fire in a memory, the better the memory can be referenced.
  15. Big picture learning and mnemonics affect dendrites by stimulating more of them at the same time for a memory to make it easier for the brain to reference later.
  16. Dopamine is a natural chemical that increases the sensation of pleasure. Without Dopamine, the brain would not know what memories are useless and ready to be deleted.
  17. The Corpus Callosum oral language and how language is formed, print, handwriting, and movement of the eye.
  18. Studying music helps increase the connection between the 2 hemispheres.
  19. The Thalamus controls memory retrieval. If the Thalamus is damaged then finding memories becomes difficult.
This tutorial taught me how important it is to keep certain parts of the brain healthy. For example, if the Occipital Lobe is damaged, it would not matter how well a person could see prior because the mind would not be able to process the info. It also taught me that there is a whole section of the brain that is used just for differentiating colors and faces. It makes me wonder if people who have a hard time remembering others have damage to their visual Cortex or a smaller one. I also did not know that Dopamine also controls how the brain selects memories to delete. It was interesting to hear how studying music can strengthen the Corpus Callosum and how that strengthened connection can help in other areas as well. It was interesting to hear how healthy eating and exercise can help neurons do their jobs better.
Here is the link to the website.

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