Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

For the past few weeks, we have been learning about muscles like how they work which is a very complex system. Every time a muscle moves, it is the end result of muscle fibers contracting and relaxing. The muscle fibers are made of myofibrils which are like threads. In sections of the myofibrils, there are protein fibers that overlap, that place is called a Sarcomere and is the main component of movement. My tablemates and I created a Film to show exactly what process the body goes through in order to move.

Earlier this year, a classmate and I taught the class about weightlifting and its effects on muscles. We only vaguely described the process of how muscles actually grow but during this unit, we went more in-depth about how muscles grow. I found that this article described the process better than I ever could. It also discusses how hormones affect the growth of muscle. We also discussed how hormones affect the growth of muscle but extend the scope from just hormones to a number of substances that enhance performance such as Creatine and Androstenedione.

It became clear to me this unit that senioritis has fully set in. As soon as I got an a acceptance letter, I pretty much lost all drive to work in school. I know that I have to keep it together for just a few more months, but that is not much motivation.

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