Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why Are We Not Funding This? - Peter Griffin

     Stem cell research has been a controversial topic in the world, mainly due to the high importance of embryos to the research on, but its potential to the world is great, from regrowing limbs, to curing fatal diseases, stem cells could do almost anything. The reason stem cells could do anything is because unlike the rest of the cells in the human body, stem cells are not specialized but can create any other cell in the body. Because of their different properties, stem cells are their own classification with the different types of stem cells under the general banner of stem cells. Because stem cells can have different forms during different parts of human life, their size and shape can't be defined. Stem cells have all the same organelles as the other cells in the body.

Stem Cell Basics: Introduction. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Website]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of               Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015 [cited Sunday, August 30, 2015] Available at                               <>

ExteremTech. Ziff Davis, 8 July 2014. Web. 30 Aug. 2015. 
"Eukaryotic Cell Organelles." Real Life Science. WorldPress, 23 Sept. 2014. Web. 
     30 Aug. 2015. < 


  1. Oh wow, I had no idea what stem cells did before, but now I know. It's very intriguing that their size and shape can't be defined. The video was very informative.

  2. This was very interesting to read because I have always been interested in stem cells. This report kind of reminded me of the movie, GATTACA. The movie covers the controversy of genetically modifying a person and whether or not it is ethical. I find that stem cell research and development to be similar in that it is very controversial. I say this because I expect that stem cell regeneration to be expensive and only being available to the rich. Essentially we would be valuing someone's life over another's. Another example of the controversial topic of stem cell research is that we are so preoccupied with whether or not we can, we never stop to think if we should. I really liked your presentation and I too found the video to be helpful. This post really got me thinking.
