Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was about the organs digestive system, endocrine system, and diseases and problems that affect them two. There was a big focus on how different organs produce different hormones. The hormones if not functioning properly are severely detrimental to normal life, such as type 1and 2 diabetes. Diabetes is caused by either a lack of insulin production, type 1, or the reduced ability for the insulin to attach to the blood sugars for absorption aka insulin resistance, type 2. This unit was different from other units because there was a lot of new information thrown out about organs that I didn't know or had no idea what they did. This was pretty challenging for me, but interesting nonetheless. We only really had one lab this unit and that was the digestive system lab.
I didn't really learn anything in particular from this lab because I remember doing something similar back in elementary school, but it was pretty cool to be able to measure out pretty closely to what the actual length of my intestines are.
The endocrine system is something that I didn't know anything about. I still have a few questions about it like what would happen if there was backflow? Would the capillaries burst? How would the body react to such an incident?
So far I haven't really done much to progress my goals. I will be starting to study more today in preparation for our test tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What Goes in Must Come Out

1. In this lab, we made an approximate model of the size of the digestive system from start to finish.
2.I am 1.8 meters tall, but my digestive system is 9.7 meters long. My digestive system is over 5 times longer than I am. The way the digestive system fits inside the human body is by being small, but layering itself on top of other portions of itself.
3. I would say it takes 6-7 hours for food to be digested and absorbed. It takes 6-8 hours to digest food depending on sex, and size of the individual.
4. In digestion, food is broken down to basic elements that the body can absorb. This is done mostly in the stomach and beginning of the small intestine. Absorption takes place in the majority of the small intestine and some of the large intestine.
5. What would happen if the intestines were shortened?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Shooting for the Net

I will get down to 180lbs by the end of this semester. My progress is measurable by each pound lost. I was that weight prior to football this year and would like to go back to it. I'm going to go to the gym 3-4 times a week, eat healthier, and maybe start to run.

I will get an A on at least 1 test in this class. My goal is measured by the points I get. This goal is very attainable through studying and better understanding of the material. This isn't relevant to my GPA due to college acceptance but for me personally as a sign of pride. I will need this done by the end of the semester.